Uniforms & Meals

School Uniform

Our school uniform is as follows:


Grey or black skirt, pinafore or trousers.

White shirt, with or without a school logo.

Purple cardigan or sweatshirt with or without a school logo.

Purple gingham dresses can be worn in summer.


Grey or black shorts or trousers.

White shirt, with or without a school logo.

Purple sweatshirt with or without a school logo.

School logo clothing may be purchased from https://www.chromasport.co.uk/shop/ramsey-spinning-infant-and-junior-school. Non-logo uniform can be purchased from most supermarkets.

PE Clothing 

Black or navy Shorts, leggings or joggers

White T-shirt
Plimsolls or trainers
Wellington boots – named, any make (Foundation Stage)

Earrings MUST be removed for PE.  Children come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE days. 

Book Bags

Book bags can be purchased from https://www.pta-events.co.uk/ramspinpfa/index.cfm?event=products.  They are very important as we use them to send letters home and also reading books and homework.

Water Bottles

We ask that children bring a named bottle of water to school every day as keeping hydrated is important for healthy living and is proven to increase concentration levels. They can be refilled at school if needed.

Additional information

Fleeces with the school logo, are available from https://www.chromasport.co.uk/shop/ramsey-spinning-infant-and-junior-school, in a variety of sizes. These do not replace the sweatshirts as the fleeces are more suitable for outdoor wear.

Please clearly label all your child’s clothing. As you will appreciate, it is difficult to identify individual items when they are all similar. We recommend name stickers from www.mynametags.com as they are long lasting and easy to use. Our School ID is 19363 which you can put in when ordering name tags. This will allow to school to get a little commission which going to the PFA who arrange a wide range of lovely things for our children.

Provision of second hand uniform

To ensure that all parents and carers are able to provide the required uniform, second-hand uniforms will be made available by the school. 

As a school, we ensure second-hand uniform is available to purchase for a small contribution. We welcome parents to donate any items of clothing that no longer fits and that we can pass on to other families. Parents can drop off uniform donations at any time. There will be a second hand sale held every half term where parents can purchase and dates of these will be shared with parents in advance. 

If you require any uniform items at any point, you should contact the school office and they will be pleased to assist you. 

Our Uniform Policy can be found on our Policy Page here.

Cool Milk

Cool milk if free for children under 5. The school will register all children that are under 5 when they start so that they receive a daily portion of semi-skimmed milk. If you would like your child to continue receiving milk after their 5th birthday you will need to register and pay here https://www.coolmilk.com/parents/


Our catering is provided by Dolce. Meals can be booked in advance by logging into your account at https://app.schoolgrid.co.uk/login

Our current menu can be seen below and accessed through https://app.schoolgrid.co.uk/login.

All children that attend the Infant School are entitled to Universal Free School Meals as well as a daily healthy snack of fruit or vegetables. 

Dolce_Spring Menu-2025_CHOICE-[4 Options].pdf
Into The Wild-Outback_Theme Day_2024-A5.pdf