
Our Science leader is Mrs Fort.

Our Science intent

At Ramsey Spinning Infants, we hold the belief that every child is inherently a scientist. Our primary objective is to foster and embrace the natural curiosity that children have towards the wonders of the world; guiding them to evolve into learners driven by inquiry and finding answers to their questions. Scientific enquiry skills and subject-specific vocabulary is woven into each topic studied by the children. First hand experiences help to give a purpose to their learning. Scientific themes are revisited and expanded upon throughout their time in our schools, which not only cultivates the children's enthusiasm, but also deepens their substantive knowledge. 

Our curriculum is meticulously tailored to be progressive and align with the National Curriculum, a decision grounded in the conviction that adherence to these standards will prepare our children for their transition to secondary school. Through our commitment to a Green Curriculum, the children have an appreciation of their local environment and worldwide ecological issues.