Our DT leader is Miss Mortlock.
Our DT intent
At Ramsey Spinning Infant School, we deliver a robust knowledge and skill based design and technology curriculum. Following the Cornerstones topics, design and technology is linked carefully to the Geography and History driver topics to give children a richer experience and to make links between their learning in a range of subjects. In D&T lessons, children are able to develop their proficiency with a range of resources and learn how to keep themselves safe. Our D&T curriculum provides opportunities for children to explore through hands-on learning experiences and to explain their reasoning for their decisions when selecting materials and creating designs. At the end of each unit the children apply the knowledge and skills that they have learnt by designing and creating their own products, which they then share and evaluate. Each topic builds on the skills and knowledge learnt in previous year groups to allow children to see their own journey of learning and develop confidence and independence in their abilities. Throughout each unit, there are opportunities for collaboration and discussion to ensure children have ample opportunity to express their ideas and learn new subject specific vocabulary.