Our Art leader is Miss Mortlock.
Our Art Intent
At Ramsey Spinning Infant School, our engaging Art and Design curriculum uses Cornerstones topics to ensure that there is a progression of skills and knowledge and that the National Curriculum is delivered in full. Across Key Stage One, children’s art is celebrated through displays in school and through entries in a local exhibition. It is important that children are given opportunities to explore a range of techniques using different mediums and materials in order to develop their skills and experiences. At the end of each art unit children are able to innovate their own ideas, showing their confidence and creativity in choosing and applying the skills and techniques that they have experimented with during the unit. When exploring other artist’s work the children are introduced to artists from a range of backgrounds reflecting diversity in the wider world and allowing children to develop their own preferences for styles when appreciating the art of others. Our inclusive curriculum ensures that all children feel successful and valued and encourages children to reflect on the progress that they make. Children are given opportunities to evaluate their art and discuss the effectiveness of the techniques that they have chosen and to give them an opportunity to reflect on skills they would like to further develop in follow-on units of work.