Ramsey Spinning Infant School

 Gallery of photographs

A very warm welcome to Ramsey Spinning Infant School. 


I am extremely proud to be the Executive Principal of both Ramsey Spinning Infants and Ramsey Junior School. Our Federated school sits at the heart of the Fenland town of Ramsey and has a long and strong history of serving the local community, teaching generations of children. 


We are a happy and positive school who put the children at the centre of everything we do. We provide opportunities for our children to develop socially, emotionally, academically and physically to allow them to succeed and achieve. We want our children to feel happy, safe and secure to ensure that they can achieve their full potential. 


We are a school that likes to celebrate success – at every level. We are committed to raising standards and place reading at the heart of everything we do. Our exciting and inclusive curriculum offers the children a range of opportunities so they can develop curiosity, creative thinking and a thirst for learning that continues with them throughout their lives. 


Our learning values are at the heart of our school community and are promoted and celebrated in all aspects of school life. 


We want our children to:

Be Kind

Be Brave

Be Creative

Be Curious

Be Respectful

Be a Team 



We pride ourselves in working closely with our parents and local community. We welcome parents and local visitors into our school on a regular basis. We endeavour to ensure that as parents, you are well informed about your child's learning and actively encourage you to be involved in your child’s education. 


I hope our website gives you an insight into the wonderful things we do at our school. If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.


I look forward to welcoming you to our school community. 


Mrs Jo Stroud 

Executive Principal 

Mrs J Stroud

Executive Head

School Calendar

RSS Feed

Location on map